Listen to “237. How to Turn Your Customers Into Lifelong Advocates w/ Brittany Hodak” on Spreaker.
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Profit is the consequence of running a business successfully. But it starts with top-line revenue rooted in a great customer experience. When a company places enough emphasis on customer centricity and learns to ask the right questions, it can build an invaluable base of loyal customers and advocates – or “superfans!”
Back on the podcast today is Brittany Hodak; she first joined us on Episode 120 to share “The ABCs of Creating Superfans.” Brittany believes every business should be focused on building a customer base of superfans. But these superfans can’t be bought — they can only be created. And they’re made at the intersection of your story and every customer’s story.
Brittany is an award-winning entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and author of the recently released Creating Superfans: How To Turn Your Customers Into Lifelong Advocates. In Creating Superfans, Brittany lays out an indispensable framework, backed by hard data and fascinating case studies, for moving brands away from commoditization in a crowded marketplace where everyone offers the same experience for the same or similar price.
Your customers both desire and deserve more.
Today Brittany breaks down the acronym S.U.P.E.R. — a powerful theme throughout the book, and the importance of turning customers into lifelong advocates. She also dives into the costs of company silos, the importance of an invested team, why customer advocates are indispensable at the C-Suite level, and how to drive an experience economy.
Join the conversation to learn more about:
• Why you need a Chief Customer Officer or Chief Experience Officer
• Why and how to render price irrelevant
• Where brand overlaps with customer experience
• What drives the Experience Economy
• How to break down the S.U.P.E.R acronym
How to Turn Your Customers Into Lifelong Advocates
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We also embed the full conversation and make it searchable right here in these blog posts. The recording with Brittany Hodak is right here …
Listen to “237. How to Turn Your Customers Into Lifelong Advocates w/ Brittany Hodak” on Spreaker.
Video Highlights: How to Turn Your Customers Into Lifelong Advocates
Check out the top five video highlights from the discussion with Brittany Hodak …
1. Customer Experience is Not One Size Fits All
2. The Relationship Between Brand and CX
3. What Superfans Are and Why Create Them
4. The Causes and Costs of Company Silos
5. The SUPER Acronym and Process
Links Related to This Conversation:
Other Episodes You’ll Enjoy:
- Episode 120 with Brittany Hodak, “The ABCs of Creating Superfans“
- Episode 200 (re-released as 236) with Brittany Hodak and 11 other employee experience experts, “12 Employee Experience Insights: The EX Takes Mixtape“