Administrative controls to manage your team with ease

Set permissions & restrictions with only a few clicks.

BombBomb Admin Controls | BombBomb

Customizable controls

Customize your admin controls to your business needs and create seamless workflows for you and your teams.

Manage with precision

Centrally manage teams and users and set permissions with all plans.

Built for collaboration

Share email templates, videos and emails with your team. Set team assignments, tasks, and permission levels with customizable workflows.

Admin controls built for enterprise

BombBomb analytics interface showcasing team video engagement metrics.

Role-based permissions

Set permissions and task assignments with our intuitive dashboard. Create restrictions for members with only a few clicks.

Next-level security

Concerned about compliance? Create and share compliant email templates with your team.

The image depicts an infographic related to BombBomb's performance metrics, with a vibrant orange color scheme. It shows an open pipeline with BombBomb events valued at $1.2 million, highlighting a 14% increase from the last month.
Role Based Access on BombBomb for Salesforce | BombBomb

Clear, straightforward billing

Add and remove members without worrying about paying for extra accounts. Easily audit your members history from your team dashboard.

Flexible consolidated billing

Set up centralized billing, or divide it by departments or businesses, for enhanced and simplified financial control.

BombBomb's user interface showcasing a performance graph with a visible uptick and a positive engagement image.

Integrates with your favorite apps

Free plugins for emails and browsers amplify your reach. Compatibility with 67+ platforms lets you create and send videos where you work.

BombBomb Screen Recorder | BombBomb

Send async videos at scale

Send videos through Outreach with BombBomb | BombBomb
BombBomb team member profile, confident.
Send videos through Zendesk | BombBomb
Send videos with Salesforce | BombBomb
Group 10 | BombBomb

Imagine the impact of video email at scale. BombBomb can embed inside your favorite CRM or helpdesk platform. Consult with our enterprise video experts to learn more.

Frame 28 | BombBomb
Frame 28 1 | BombBomb
Frame 28 2 | BombBomb
Frame 28 3 | BombBomb
Frame 76 | BombBomb

Better engagement for sales, marketing, and remote workers

BombBomb improves customer engagement, helps people collaborate, and reduces meetings.

Send asynchronous videos

Share information without having to schedule unnecessary meetings. Reduce misunderstandings, mistakes, and re-work.

Videos for collaboration

Give important context to designs and documents. Send pre-recorded answers to frequently asked questions.

Sales prospecting

Put a face with your name with personalized 1:1 videos. Video messaging gets opened more than traditional emails and text.

Marketing with videos

Set up automated video emails. Share news. Congratulate people on important anniversaries. Create campaigns in your CRM.

Onboarding & training

Great employees and establish a connection on Day 1. Use evergreen videos to walk new customers and workers through their next steps.

Demos & video explainers

Showcase your product’s features with pre-recorded walkthroughs. Create explainers with call-to-action links.

Get BombBomb. Get results.

Start your free trial. Stand out from day one.
BombBomb Macbook Pro