What to Expect from The Customer Experience Podcast

Ethan Beute, BombBomb, Chief Evangelist, The Customer Experience Podcast, Wall Street Journal bestseller, Human-Centered Communication, Rehumanize Your Business.

Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist
customer experience, marketing, Ethan Beute, BombBomb, podcast, CX, podcast host, podcast background

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customer experience, marketing, Ethan Beute, BombBomb, podcast, CX, podcast host, podcast background

At the center of everything, at the core of your business, what is the most single most important thing you and your team deliver?

The customer experience.

Everybody knows that a customer is more likely to share their experiences with others when they have either an extremely positive experience or an extremely negative one. So, every moment and every touchpoint counts.

This is where The Customer Experience Podcast comes in. Because creating and delivering customer experience is the responsibility of every single member of the team, how is it best aligned, structured, and measured? Who truly owns it? And what are today’s best practices?

This is at the heart of this new podcast.

What You Can Expect from The Customer Experience Podcast

Listen to Episode 0 with producer Logan Lyles and host Ethan Beute to learn more about the project by clicking play on the embedded player below.

The show will be audio-based and available in iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, SoundCloud, and Google Play, but most will also have a video recording with short clips appearing here in the blog posts.

The Path to a Podcast

You can personalize almost anything. You can automate aspects of your customer experience and set rules and triggers for your marketing and outreach, but no amount of automation and personalization can replicate a human touch.

There’s a line between personalized and truly personal that we have to be aware of.

The Customer Experience Podcast is focused on answering the question, “How are people creating winning customer experiences?”

When do you personalize and when do you get truly personal? How are people and teams organizing, communicating, structuring, and measuring it? And how is it being delivered and optimized? These are just some of the questions we’ll seek to answer.

The goal of BombBomb, the company supporting the podcast, is to rehumanize communication by replacing some plain, typed-out messages with simple, personal videos. To take business communication its effect on the customer experience and make it human again. To turn faceless blocks of text into real humans the customer can know, like, and trust.

The benefits of this personal and human approach are conferred upon your customers, future customers, and employees. We all thrive when we’re in real relationships with other people.

customer experience, CX, face to face, in person, communication

But Why a Podcast?

What are the thoughts and feelings that we’re giving our customers? What are the moments that we’re creating for them them that produce positive results like reviews, referrals, and repeat business? How do we share that responsibility throughout the customer journey?

Let’s talk about that! And more.

The desire is to talk to a variety of people in a variety of roles – from marketing to sales to customer support and beyond. Like customer experience itself, this podcast will host a wide range of people who serve all along the customer journey.

Most episodes will run 20-25 minutes – deep enough to get to know the guest, then walk out a valuable framework or hear a couple valuable stories. It’s a format many of us enjoy during a morning run, a commute, a lunchtime walk, or a workout.

For two fundamental ideas that motivated the direction of this podcast, watch this short video clip from Episode 0:

Topics & Guests

In addition to the usual VPs, Senior VPs, and C-level sales, marketing, and CS professionals, the podcast will also focus on those in more everyday roles as well, because the goal is to get a better picture of what an integrated customer experience plan will look like.

Initial episodes include:

Have a Guest Idea?

Do you have a guest or a topic that you’d like to see covered on The Customer Experience Podcast? Feel free to reach out to the host, Ethan, by emailing Ethan (at) BombBomb (dot)com or by connecting on LinkedIn right here.

To hear upcoming episodes and to give the podcast a jumpstart in iTunes, you can subscribe to The Customer Experience Podcast right here. Please leave a rating and a short review, too!

If you don’t use iTunes, you can listen to every episode here in the blog or at:

The First 60 Days

The first 60 days are critical to success in iTunes. If you’re excited about this podcast and all the guests and insights coming your way, please take 2 minutes to:
1. Click here to go to iTunes
2. Subscribe to the podcast
3. Rate the podcast
4. Write a short review

Thank you so much for your support and enjoy The Customer Experience Podcast!

Learn how to use simple, personal videos to accelerate sales and improve customer experience. The definitive guide is available for preorder right now with a formal release and ship date of April 23, 2019.

See the video, read the endorsements, and find out what’s inside by visiting bombbomb.com/book right now.

business book, video email, sales video, inside sales, customer success, customer experience


Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist

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