Creating An Extraordinary Customer Experience With Video

Aaron Colby

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Do you ever consider how your customer experience affects your brand? Chances are, even with the best, there’s room to improve the most essential part of your business. Studies show that the experience your company provides is even a crucial form of marketing, preferred by customers over content or mobile ads

So how do you enhance the experience your company offers or build the right foundation to start? By creating meaningful connections with anyone interacting with your brand–something you can easily do with video.

Creating An Extraordinary Customer Experience With Video

At BombBomb, our goal is to provide a better customer experience by helping humans connect more effectively. Personal video email is a way to bridge the gap created by distance and time—allowing your company and teams to share human empathy with customers. 

Video email can help strengthen communication between departments, ensuring all of your teams are effectively serving your customer base. By creating an outreach program with customer experience videos, you and your team are able to stand out among competitors and help your customers grow into raving fans. 

Read on to find out how implementing video can change how you do business and provide an extraordinary customer experience.

Boost Your Customer Experience With A Great First Impression

When a customer first touches your company – whether that’s a product, policy or employee – they start forming an opinion. That opinion is the reality of your company, whether you accept it or not. If they experience a positive moment, they’ll likely return to your business. If they leave with a negative experience, they’re just as likely to go to your competitors. Using video for that first touch guarantees they’ll experience the best of your company.

Shep Hyken of Forbes wrote an article on why treating the small aspects like the first impression is actually critical to a great customer experience (CX.) He talked with the Director of Customer Experience for Volkswagon AU to see how they handled improving their CX. He writes: 

“For companies seeking to create the best customer experiences in their industry, sweating the small stuff and focusing on details can help them create a better customer experience.”

Going that extra step can be instead of communicating with customers via plain-text messages or phone calls, sending a video. Taking that small step to record a video and address a customer goes a long way. Moreover, the results are immediate–we constantly see replies filled with excitement from customers that received a video for the first time.

Video email can also help you explain complex ideas by sharing empathy and facial expressions while your recipient hears your message. With every video sent, the ability to share emotions establishes a sense of trust. The psychology behind this is the best way video can be leveraged to improve customer experience. Among our own customer base, we found over 68% have dramatically increased their lead conversion using video. The evidence was so compelling, we wrote the book on how to “Rehumanize Your Business” with video.

Video helps sales teams with cold outreach by sending a personal video that reinforces this human element. Evergreen videos can be used on your website to welcome page visitors to your company. However you normally communicate with customers is a chance to use video to build a stronger relationship. 

Sales trainer Dan Tyre of HubSpot made an interesting observation on episode 40 of The Customer Experience Podcast that

“Video is the biggest transformation to prospecting in 30 years.”

Why? Because rather than customers seeing an emotionless email or hearing a plain voice commercial, they’ll see a face. You have amazing and charismatic sales and support teams that are great at communicating–does their current technology allow them to do so?

Guide Your Customer Experience Through Your Brand’s Journey

The next step to creating a powerful customer experience with video is transitioning customers into raving fans. This is especially important if your company has a longer sales or marketing cycle. When a customer gets handed off from a marketing or sales member to someone in CS, it can be a little jarring. Video can help this become a smooth and meaningful transition.

Once you’ve established a connection with customers through a product, sales call or otherwise, you’ve begun the CX journey. The most important thing you can do is to establish trust with your new and existing customers. 

That foundation is essential because trust decides whether they see value in your brand and will remain loyal. And video is the answer to ensuring the trust you build with each customer is strong and meaningful.

Cory Scheer, an expert on trust frameworks between brands and customers, talks about trust and the components. With video, you’re putting the best asset of your company in front of customers: your people. Customers want to see the support technician resolving their issues, the sales associate helping them join your brand, and even your leadership team instilling your core values. Video helps you show empathy and immediately build trust, something plain-text communication can’t do.

Using Video To Support Your Customer Success

In the words of Dan Tyre, “If our customers don’t succeed, then our company won’t succeed.” And we couldn’t agree more. Making sure customers have our brand’s support–whether it’s responding to a problem or knowledge on how to succeed, using video creates a positive CX.

Resolving issues a customer has is a great example where video can add efficiency to your CX. By providing your support team with our video services, they can send a quick greeting to a customer that has started a ticket. This builds immediate rapport with your support team and a client, letting them know a human is on the other side ready to help them.

The graphic below is a sample of how video has helped:

  • Held an incredible CSAT score.
  • Reduce average ticket time to under 30mins.
  • Reduce the number of touches to resolve to under 5 (of which 3 on average were evergreen material).
Customer Experience
[This data was pulled from our own service department over a nine-month period.]

To compare these metrics, let’s look at some averages we found from the most recent report done by our customer experience partner, Zendesk. The report was conducted globally over 45,000 businesses. See the results for yourself:

  • Average CSAT for 2019: 91.6%
  • Time to Resolve: 3.1-12.7 hrs
  • Resolved in 1 Touch: Less than 20%

Comparing video to these averages, it’s easy to see how it can affect your Customer Success team. The resolution time, coupled with recording evergreen videos to resolve common problems, increases efficiency. This means your team can help more of your customers succeed.

The other best use for success is being able to share your screen when resolving a technical error with something such as software. By doing so, a support associate can show the customer what they’re doing in the account and how they’re resolving the issue. This provides immediate ROI for your team while improving transparency with your customers.

The most important takeaway here is understanding how valuable video can be in creating brand loyalty. If your customer knows they have a team always ready to help, they’ll remain loyal to your company. MCorp.CX, a known leader in the field of customer experience, details on their blog how important it is for your customers to trust your brand. And that trust is essential to reducing churn and improving your customer experience.

Connecting Your Leadership With Your Customers

Imagine if every time Spotify updated with a new feature, you received a video in your inbox of Daniel Ek highlighting the facets of the update. Sounds fun right? Video can help CEOs and Founders of any company record short, simple updates that can be passed down throughout the organization and to the entire customer base. This method of outreach can be powerful for connecting with customers and delivering an extraordinary customer experience.

An example might be on how to utilize a feature or an aspect of your product. You can attach these to weekly newsletters or whenever you have important company updates. We love sending videos that enter the customer lifecycle with a welcome video from leadership. It makes every customer feel as special as we know they are to our companies.

When hiring new team members, it can be difficult to make introductions with them to all the different departments. This can ultimately hamper a great customer experience. Utilize video to show new employees who your staff and customers are so they hit the ground running. For new and existing employees, receiving videos from their leaders helps them feel appreciated and valued. And employees that are treated well provide a better customer experience. Check out the video example below to see how it’s done!

Record department heads introducing themselves and what their department does to show new team members their resource base. Sharing customer testimonial videos also helps build a sense of community for new team members. If your company has a happy hour or monthly event, you can share these invitations with video as well.

Above all else, your customers want to be seen, heard, and understood. If your team doesn’t understand your customers’ perspective, your competition could win them over. With video, your competition doesn’t stand a chance.

Our Chief Evangelist, Ethan Beute meets every week with experts from all over to discuss what makes successful CX. If you want to hear about current trends, learn new ways to lead your team, and more, check out The Customer Experience Podcast by clicking right here!

And if you want to see how video can improve your own company’s customer experience, our team would love to schedule a demo with you. Check out the link below to meet a representative and find out how video can help your team succeed.

Request a demo


Aaron Colby

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