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  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    Reiterate a key point and tip from the meeting.
  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    Keep it short and don’t recap everything to build interest for future attendees.
  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    Convey energy and positivity about the meeting.


Team Meeting Follow-Up


“Hi, (name). I wanted to send out a brief video to recap what happened in our team meeting. For those of you who were in the room, thank you for making the time to be there. For those of you who weren’t there, I understand things get busy, but you’re going to want to be a part of these future meetings because there were some incredible conversations that took place and frankly, I can’t summarize it all briefly. But the one thing I did want to bring up is (mention one main point and tip from the meeting). Of course, if you need anything, please reach out and let me know. I look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting.”