Learn How BombBomb Will Help You Win More Opportunities


  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    Get face time with agents you might not see as much as you’d like.
  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    Be really specific in highlighting an agent’s recent wins.
  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    Also highlight some of the value you are bringing to them.


Encourage Your Agents


“Hi (name). Happy (day of the week)! I haven’t seen you around the office much lately, and I know it’s because you’ve been out hitting the pavement. So, good job! I saw how you’ve really taken on some of that training we were doing on (training topic) and I can already see how it’s making a difference in your business. (Mention a specific win). I just want you to know I appreciate you and I see how hard you’re working. And if you ever want to come in to talk a little more about strategy on (training topic) or anything else, I’m always here to be a resource for you. Have a great day!”