How to Identify Ideal Customers Using Video Analytics

Kayte Yerga Grady


December 14, 2020

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The benefits of email tracking go much deeper than most people realize. Think about it… If we don’t know who’s actually receiving our emails or engaging with the content we’re sending — who do we follow up with? How do we know when the time is right to connect with ideal customers if we aren’t even sure they’re interested in what we have to say?

By using video tracking with BombBomb, you’ll be able to better understand who is engaged in the content you send out and when they’re engaging with that content.

Check out the video below for a quick look at three ways to use video tracking to your advantage as explained by Kevin Andrews, BombBomb’s Client Enablement Manager.

After you’ve watched the video — continue reading for a more detailed look at why video tracking matters, as well as for more information on where to find your video analytics in BombBomb and how you can use that information to identify the customers that will help you grow your business!

Why Video Analytics Are Important

Analytics are important because the information gathered can help you understand if your communication with your customers is effective. What content gets opened? What content gets watched? What links get clicked? Unless every contact is sending you feedback, the only way to know the answer to these questions is by tracking this information.

There are also a few other reasons tracking matters so much when it comes to reaching out to your clients:

Helps to ensure your email is getting to the correct destination
Enables you to respond to the right people — those engaging you the most
Notifies you in real-time that your recipients are available
Saves you time by ensuring you reach out to your most engaged customers
Identifies what emails aren’t being opened to help you create better content
Allows you to follow up long term

Now that we’ve discussed why video tracking matters so much – let’s talk tech and where to find your video tracking information in BombBomb.

Where to Find Video Analytics in BombBomb 

video analytics

With BombBomb you’re able to track emails, video plays, and link clicks.

Let’s get started!

Video and Email Tracking Analytics

Log in to your BombBomb account using the BombBomb Google Chrome Extension or the BombBomb web app. Your dashboard will open and your basic tracking information — opens, clicks, and plays — can be found on the far right of your screen. This is our live-fire tracking feed!

Live tracking offers you the opportunity to reach out to your customers when you know they’re available because they’ve just opened your email and played your video!

Track by Email

Select the “Emails” tab at the top left of your dashboard screen. A new screen will open, click “Sending History” on the top right of your screen.  This displays all of the emails you’ve sent over the past 30 days. Here you have the option to view tracking analytics by individual email and by send date. On the right side of your screen, you can view how each recipient has engaged with your content by opening your email, playing your video, and clicking any included links.

Track Video Plays

Select the “Videos” tab at the top left of your dashboard screen and your Video Library will open. On the far right, there will be three icons, select the icon with three small bars — this will display your tracking information for that particular video.

Create Segmented Contact Lists

You can also organize your analytics by creating a segmented list of the most engaged customers from your email tracking page. This feature is especially helpful when you’ve sent emails that cast a wider net. Creating segmented lists can help you to separate everyone you should reach back out to from those less engaged customers. Having this information easily accessible allows you to work smarter, not harder!

To create segmented contact lists, click the gear icon at the top right of your email tracking page, then click “Segment.”  Here you have the option to segment by plays, non-plays, opens, non-opens, clicks, or non-clicks.  Once you’ve chosen one of these options, a new list of those specific segmented contacts will populate under your “Contacts” tab which can be found at the top of your screen.

These are just a few of our basic tracking features – for a more in-depth look at using BombBomb’s tracking analytics, follow this guide for video tracking and this guide for email tracking.

Now that you know where to find your video tracking in BombBomb, let’s talk about what to do with that information for both engaged and unnegated customers.

How to Use Video Analytics to Follow Up With Ideal Customers 

When you start tracking your video and email open rates, it’s important to remember not everyone is going to engage in your content and that’s OK!

According to Campaign Monitor, the average email open rate is just 17.8%. And data for both your engaged and unengaged contacts is important, so don’t get discouraged when you see lower open and play rates than you expected!

How to Follow Up With Engaged Contacts

After you’ve analyzed your tracking data, create customized follow-ups for your most engaged customers. Send a personal video and showcase your human side and to create a connection and build rapport!

Review the videos and emails your customers are engaging with the most. Then, create and send value-driven content that fits the mold of what they’ve already engaged with.

Analyze your tracking data to gain a deeper level of understanding of what your viewers need.

Use live tracking to reach out to your engaged contacts. If you can see a customer just opened your email and watched your video in real-time, it’s more likely they’ll be available at that moment. Use that window of opportunity to connect with them!

How to Follow Up With Unengaged Contacts

Don’t get overwhelmed if some of your contacts don’t open an email or two in a row.

Analyze what your customers aren’t engaging with and review that information. Don’t continue to send repetitive emails that people aren’t interested in.

Take a look at your video play rates –  if your contacts aren’t finishing your videos and getting to your CTA or the important information you need them to know, this may be a reason for a lack of engagement. Consider restructuring your videos by putting a CTA at both the front and back end of your videos. Click here for some tips on how to create great calls-to-action!

Use your tracking data for unengaged contacts to ask yourself the following questions:

1. Why aren’t they opening my emails?
2. How can I serve this person or this group of people better?
3. What can I send that would be more interesting to them?

Reach out to these contacts because they aren’t engaging with what you’re sending.

Let them know you would love some feedback on what they would like to receive from you

By contacting these customers, you’re showing that you care about their time. You don’t want to spam their inbox with things that they don’t want or need. Reaching out also provides another opportunity for ongoing and personal communication.

If you need ideas for following up with both engaged and unengaged contacts, you can find a fantastic guide, here.

Need Additional Guidance for Using Video Analytics to Identify Ideal Customers? 

If you’re looking for more specific guidance, we’ve included a few links for tracking on different platforms below:

Android Tracking
iOS  Tracking

And if you want to learn more about how to identify ideal customers using video analytics, we’ve embedded a full webinar below…

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