Special occasion video messaging

You’re always looking for timely and relevant reasons to reach out to the people who matter most to your business - and special occasions give you that opportunity! When you can’t express your enthusiasm in person, sending a video message is the next best thing.

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Video Messaging for Sales 1 | BombBomb

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Video Messaging for Sales Teams 1 | BombBomb

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Happy Holidays

A big obstacle in sending emails to clients is not knowing when to reach out and what to say. Holiday email sending solves both messaging hurdles for you. Every holiday has a distinct tone and feel, but plain-text emails can start sounding very similar. These special days deserve a more personal interaction – one that gets the essence of the holiday across and only video can accomplish that.

Joe’s Christmas video with his family is so fun and embodies what the holiday is all about. It is so relatable and authentic and radiates joy and gratitude. The customers he sent it to will remember him from this video when they need his services and expertise.

Purchase Anniversaries

If you want lifelong customers, they need to remember you. Purchase anniversaries are a great time to reach out to past clients and stay top of mind. Nothing expresses the excitement of an anniversary better than actual people. And video makes it simple to do and shows your clients how much you value them.

Frances brings in her whole team to celebrate her clients’ purchase anniversaries in such a joyous way — complete with hats, noisemakers, and champagne. They don’t worry about making it perfect. The focus is solely on commemorating the start of an awesome relationship that’s not transactional. This is what will keep her customers coming back and get them referring her to others.

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Think of all the Facebook messages and emails you receive on your birthday. 50? 100? But how many of those plain-text birthday messages do you actually remember? Birthdays are exciting, and sending a celebratory video is a nice surprise for your recipients that they’ll actually remember.

Ruby sends birthday videos regularly. And her birthday video email above is perfect. It’s short, sweet, and so fun to watch. She’s showing her clients that she actually cares about them. Ruby is closing the distance with her customers and staying top of mind with a nice human touch. She is making emotional connections with them that will drum up referrals and future business opportunities.

Thank you

Your success depends on the people investing in your business. And a little bit of gratitude goes a long way in establishing meaningful relationships with them. Everyone likes to feel appreciated, after all. But there has to be genuine sincerity behind your thank you, and video conveys this better than traditional text, images, or gift baskets.

Angela sent the video above to a referral partner to express how much she appreciates her. She’s going out of her way to acknowledge how great her help has been. Thank you videos like this are thoughtful and make both you and the recipient feel good. It only takes a few minutes to make, yet makes you so memorable to your connections.

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