Restoring the Balance: Human-Centered Communication

Ethan Beute, BombBomb, Chief Evangelist, The Customer Experience Podcast, Wall Street Journal bestseller, Human-Centered Communication, Rehumanize Your Business.

Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist
Ethan Beute, Chief Evangelist, BombBomb, Human-Centered Communication, digital pollution, balance, automation, personal touch, human touch, tech touch, Industrial Revolution, business book

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Ethan Beute, Chief Evangelist, BombBomb, Human-Centered Communication, digital pollution, balance, automation, personal touch, human touch, tech touch, Industrial Revolution, business book
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A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in approach or assumptions. And business communication is in the midst of one — a transition from digital pollution to human-centered communication.

Digital pollution is any unwelcome digital distraction. And while it’s subjective, it includes spam, bots, hacking, social manipulation, and other forms of digital communication that add friction, confusion, annoyance, frustration, threat, or even danger to our lives and our work.

Centuries ago, the Industrial Revolution (followed more recently by Henry Ford’s assembly line) set in motion an evolution from personal to industrial production. And not only did this transition change the way we do business, but it also shifted the way we communicate, too. And as we’ve continued to work alongside machines, they’ve also become entrenched in our day-to-day communication.

You see, automation has replaced much of our jobs and processes, thus decreasing the value and humanity in our everyday lives and relationships. As a result, our communication has gotten noisier and more polluted over time. Attention – and therefore trust – is harder to get and keep.

The time has come to restore some of our previous beliefs about communication — that the personal, emotional, and meaningful are paramount to efficiency and convenience. The bottom line is that our relationships matter. And to foster meaningful connections, it’s time to shift to more thoughtful digital experiences. It’s time to restore the balance.

So, if a shift from industrial to personal, from efficiency to effectiveness, from selling to helping, from people as numbers to people as people, from corporate voices to human voices, or from automatic to intentional resonates with you — you sound ready to be a part of the restoration of the individual, the real, and the trustworthy.

I’m Ethan Beute, Chief Evangelist at BombBomb and host of The Customer Experience Podcast.

I co-authored a book about this communication shift with my longtime friend and colleague Steve Pacinelli, CMO at BombBomb. It’s called Human-Centered Communication and its official release day was the day we released this episode!

Human-Centered Communication, A Business Case Against Digital Pollution, Fast Company Press, BombBomb, Ethan Beute, Stephen Pacinelli, Wall Street Journal bestseller, business book, sales book, marketing book

In today’s episode you’ll get insights into:

What the echo effects are of the Industrial Revolution
How to restore the balance between the personal and the industrial
What human-centered communication means for organizations

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Restoring the Balance: Human-Centered Communication

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We also embed the entire episode right here in these blog posts. You can hear Episode 163 in the searchable player below …

Listen to “163. Restoring the Balance: Human-Centered Communication w/Ethan Beute” on Spreaker.

Bonus Video — Human-Centered Communication: From Industrial to Personal

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Our Human-Centered Communication Series:

As part of the release of Human-Centered Communication, Steve Pacinelli and I hosted a special series on the podcast.

Throughout the series, we were back in conversation with each of the 11 experts featured in the book in a way that adds to the philosophies, strategies, and tactics found in their respective chapters.

Other Episodes You Might Enjoy:

Human-Centered Communication, A Business Case Against Digital Pollution, Fast Company Press, BombBomb, Ethan Beute, Stephen Pacinelli, Wall Street Journal bestseller, business book, sales book, marketing book, books, copies, bulk orders

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Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist

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