The Art and Science of Selling to Prosumers

Ethan Beute, BombBomb, Chief Evangelist, The Customer Experience Podcast, Wall Street Journal bestseller, Human-Centered Communication, Rehumanize Your Business.

Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist
Mario Martinez Jr., Founder, CEO, Modern Sales Evangelist, Vengreso, Prosumers, Customer Experience, CX, sales process, discovery, show me that you know me, art and science of sales, art of sale, science of sales, art of helping

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Consumers have turned into prosumers. That’s to say, most of us have taken on the persona of professional consumers. Before we go to dinner, buy a product, or purchase software, we look for information. We research products, read reviews, and ask for advice on a nearly professional level. We have access to more facts, details, and insights than ever before. So what does this mean for sellers?

When a potential customer comes through the door, visits your website, or touches your sales rep’s LinkedIn profile, they’re looking for something specific. To be successful, you have to uncover their behavior pattern and what it reveals about their intention. What is it they’re looking for? Why? And why now?

In practical terms, before anyone sends a message to a prospective customer, they have to know what pages that individual has visited. Learning this information will help brands interpret what customers are searching for, allowing them to demonstrate understanding and to structure conversations on their customer’s terms.

Today’s guest is Mario M. Martinez Jr., Founder, CEO, and Modern Sales Evangelist at Vengreso. Mario is also keynote speaker, podcast host at Modern Selling Podcast, and pioneering proponent of video messages in the sales prospecting process. He reminds us that customer experience includes how the culture of its people affects our collective brand impression of an organization. Whether intentional or unintentional, just one person can make or break the entire CX.

Mario also talked with us about the art and science of selling and the “show me that you know me” principle.

Mario estimates that on most days, sales is 51% science and 49% art. But it can shift situation to situation. And when it comes to the concept of “show me that you know me,” the way humans communicate isn’t step by step as it’s outlined in a playbook. Instead, it’s about listening skills and an interest in being genuinely known.

Simply put, if you want someone to be interested in what you have to offer, you have to demonstrate that you’re interested in them.

Mario is part of a special series we’re doing this summer here on The Customer Experience Podcast. He’s one of 11 experts that Steve Pacinelli and I interviewed in-depth in the process of writing our our Wall Street Journal bestselling second book, Human-Centered Communication: A Business Case Against Digital Pollution  (Fast Company Press, October 2021).

Throughout this series, we’re back in conversation with each of them in a way that complements their insights featured in the book.

Mario Martinez Jr., CEO, Modern Sales Evangelist, Vengreso, Founder, Human-Centered Communication, art of helping, art of sales, science of sales, virtual team, virtual company, virtual communication, company culture, video culture, video in sales, sales videos

Give this conversation with Mario a listen to learn:

How your people collectively make up your brand
What a prosumer is and how we buy
How to hire better sales reps
 Where the line between art and science lies in sales
Why you should communicate that you’re interested in others

The Art and Science of Selling to Prosumers

Hear Episode 154 and every other conversation on The Customer Experience Podcast in your preferred podcast player …

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We also embed the full conversation in a playable and searchable format right here in these blog posts. The recording with Mario Martinez Jr. is right here…

Listen to “154. The Art & Science of Selling to Prosumers w/ Mario M. Martinez, Jr” on Spreaker.

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Video Highlights: The Art and Science of Selling to Prosumers

Check out the top five video highlights from the discussion with Mario Martinez Jr., Founder, CEO, and Modern Sales Evangelist at Vengreso…

1. Customer Experience is The People

2. Structuring the Chief Customer Officer

3. The Professional Consumer

4. A Simulation for Hiring Better Sales Reps

5. Why Read Human-Centered Communication

Links Related to This Conversation:

Mario Martinez Jr., Mario Martinez, Jr., prospect better, sell more,, CEO, Modern Sales Evangelist, Vengreso, Founder, Human-Centered Communication, art of helping, art of sales, science of sales, virtual team, virtual company, virtual communication, company culture, video culture, video in sales, sales videos

More in Our Human-Centered Communication Series:

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Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist

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