Enhancing Communication: Using Video Technology to Solve Common Issues

A Blissful Approach to Training Customers and Employees

Ethan Beute, BombBomb, Chief Evangelist, The Customer Experience Podcast, Wall Street Journal bestseller, Human-Centered Communication, Rehumanize Your Business.

Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist
Lauren Bailey, Factor 8, #GirlsClub, sales leadership, women in sales, training, employee education, sales training, sales management, Girls Club, women in leadership, sales leadership

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Listen to “149. A Blissful Approach to Training Customers and Employees w/ Lauren Bailey” on Spreaker.

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Our core values should capture and reflect our inherent beliefs. They should influence behavior, inspire action, engage emotions, and impact decision-making. Ideally, they’re also universally true, intrinsic human motivators. And successful human-centered communication is established in BLISS with respect to those very same core values.

To connect with both your employees and customers, you have to communicate in a way that speaks to what they value most. Create a narrative that provides value (Buy-in), imparts knowledge (Learning), fits their world (Integration), approaches them across channels (Synthesis), and offers reward in taking action (Support).

Today’s guest is Lauren Bailey, Founder and President of both Factor 8 and #GirlsClub. The former is a sales training and sales management training firm and the latter is a program to increase female representation in sales leadership. Through these efforts, Lauren and her team shape the future of sales by training sales reps and managers.

To deliver human-centered communication, she’s incorporating video in a variety of ways. When someone like Lauren, whose job is to coach others, explains the power of video, you sit up and take note.

In addition to her current roles, Lauren has served as the Global Director of Training at SAP. She’s also worked for inside sales centers serving IBM, Sony, HP, Panasonic, and more.

Lauren’s on a mission to help people feel more confident and successful at work. She discusses how the broken rung, confidence gap, and forgetting curve connect to her training approach. Lauren also walks us through the BLISS acronym and explains how using video can help us speak the language of others. Connecting with people face to face at their core and using their language encourages them to care about what we’re saying — because it fits their world.

Lauren is part of a special series we’re doing this summer here on The Customer Experience Podcast. She’s one of 11 experts that Steve Pacinelli and I interviewed in-depth in the process of writing our Wall Street Journal bestselling second book, Human-Centered Communication: A Business Case Against Digital Pollution (Fast Company Press, October 2021).

Throughout this series, we’re back in conversation with each of these experts in a way that’s complementary to — rather than redundant to — their insights featured in the book.

Lauren Bailey, Factor 8, #GirlsClub, Human-Centered Communication, business book, sales book, video in sales, video email, video message, sales process, sales training
In this episode, Lauren shares with us:

Why there are still relatively few women in sales leadership roles
How to apply Bloom’s Taxonomy in training
What BLISS has to do with video communication
How to solve some problems with today’s BDR role
Why feeling-focused intent yields better results than outcome-focused intent

A Blissful Approach to Training Customers and Employees

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We also embed these conversations in a searchable and playable format in their companion blog posts. Hear our conversation Lauren Bailey right here …

Listen to “149. A Blissful Approach to Training Customers and Employees w/ Lauren Bailey” on Spreaker.

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Video Highlights: A Blissful Approach to Training Customers and Employees

Check out the top five video highlights from the discussion with Lauren Bailey, Founder and President of Factor 8 and Founder of #GirlsClub.

1. Changing The Face of Sales Leadership

2. The Power of Intent

3. The Forgetting Curve and Bloom’s Taxonomy

4. Fixing Problems in The BDR Role

5. Why Read The New Book Human-Centered Communication (Julie Hansen, Mario Martinez Jr., and Viveka von Rosen)

Links Related to This Conversation:

Lauren Bailey, Factor 8, #GirlsClub, sales training, sales process, sales book, Human-Centered Communication, Chapter 8, The Decade for Sellers to Shine

More in the Human-Centered Communication Series:

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Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist

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