Sending Videos for Greater Sales Visibility

Ethan Beute, BombBomb, Chief Evangelist, The Customer Experience Podcast, Wall Street Journal bestseller, Human-Centered Communication, Rehumanize Your Business.

Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist
Viveka von Rosen, cofounder, Co-founder, Vengreso, LinkedIn expert, LinkedIn, sales visibility, Chief Visibility Officer, video for sales, selling with video

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Listen to “159. Sending Videos for Greater Sales Visibility w/ Viveka von Rosen” on Spreaker.

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Note: this conversation with Viveka von Rosen was originally released as Episode 159 and is edited and re-released as Episode 219.

Viveka von Rosen, cofounder, Co-founder, Vengreso, LinkedIn expert, LinkedIn, sales visibility, Chief Visibility Officer, video for sales, selling with video

In sales, video creates visibility. And it’s this visibility that gives people a sense of who they’re communicating with. What you see is pretty much what you get — and that includes inauthenticity. When you’re on camera, it’s outrageously easy for others to spot whether or not you’re being authentic. It’s something we humans are highly attuned to at all times.

Both now and in the future, salespeople need to become comfortable in live and recorded videos and confident with created charisma. Created charisma combines using a script that sounds authentic (so it sounds like something you would actually say) and good video practices. For example, good video techniques include avoiding monotone voice, looking and feeling confident on camera, smiling, making eye contact, and bringing both verbal and nonverbal energy to the conversation. In doing this, you can give people a sense of who you really are leading to more (and better!) visibility.

Our guest on today’s episode is Viveka von Rosen. Viveka is the Co-founder, Chief Visibility Officer, and Master Trainer at Vengreso. Today, Viveka shares her view on the importance of visibility in sales. She also shares specific techniques that can help those in sales roles become more effective in video meetings and video messages.

In addition to her role at Vengreso, Viveka is the author of several books including, “LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day.” She’s also a Forbes Top 20 Most Influential and LinkedIn Expert.

With authenticity being an underlying theme throughout our conversation, Viveka highlights that being able to show who you are on video brings more understanding and compassion to a conversation. And with these more human elements front and center, there can be an increase in alignment between sellers and buyers. Video promotes a human-centered connection that builds great relationships. She also addresses the question: Is video for everyone?

Viveka joined us on the podcast as part of our special Human-Centered Communication series. She’s one of 11 experts that Steve Pacinelli and I interviewed in-depth in the process of writing our Wall Street Journal bestselling second book, Human-Centered Communication: A Business Case Against Digital Pollution (Fast Company Press, October 2021).

Throughout this series, we’re back in conversation with each of expert in a way that adds to their philosophies, strategies, and tactics delivered in the book.

Viveka von Rosen, Co-founder, Chief Visibility Officer, Master Trainer, Vengreso, LinkedIn expert, Human-Centered Communication, teaching, training, education

In this conversation, Viveka shares with you:

What the relationship between video and visibility is
Who video is and is not good for
Why video gets straight to the heart of authenticity
When to shift the script to create connection
What the role of LinkedIn is for salespeople

Sending Videos for Greater Sales Visibility

Hear Episode 159/219 and any other episode of The Customer Experience Podcast in your preferred podcast player …

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We also embed the full conversation in a playable and searchable format right here in these blog posts. The recording with Viveka von Rosen is right here …

Listen to “159. Sending Videos for Greater Sales Visibility w/ Viveka von Rosen” on Spreaker.

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Video Highlights: Sending Videos for Greater Sales Visibility

Check out the top five video highlights from the discussion with Viveka von Rosen, Co-founder, Chief Visibility Officer, and Master Trainer at Vengreso…

1. Customer Success is What’s Beneath The Surface

2. Viveka, Vengreso, Video, and Visibility

3. Tips for Adopting Video Messaging

4. How Video Changes Your Message

5. Why Read Human-Centered Communication: Julie Hansen — Preparing to Be Present

Links Related to This Conversation:

Viveka von Rosen, Co-founder, Chief Visibility Officer, Master Trainer, Vengreso, LinkedIn expert, Human-Centered Communication, Digital Pollution, customer education, customer training, video for sales, video training

More in Our Human-Centered Communication Series:

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Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist

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