Learn How BombBomb Will Help You Win More Opportunities


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    People are sharing much of what’s going on in their lives on social media. This information can give you a valuable reason to reach out and is a key way to start the conversation. It’s about them and will help you get more responses.
  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    In this reach out speak to what you saw, and why it’s special.
  • checkbox white | BombBomb
    Then find a way to provide value: this could be a question (what restaurant was that?), connect with the experience (this is my favorite spot in town as well), or congratulate them on the moment (happy graduation, congrats on your growing family).


Social Media Observation


“Hi (names). (Name) here. I was on Facebook and I saw that (observation – vacation, restaurant, family update, etc.). I just wanted to reach out and (ask a question, connect with the experience, or say congratulations). That’s it. Just wanted to reach out and also say hi. I look forward to hearing your response.”