Your Personal Brand is Not a Selfish Pursuit

Ethan Beute, BombBomb, Chief Evangelist, The Customer Experience Podcast, Wall Street Journal bestseller, Human-Centered Communication, Rehumanize Your Business.

Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist
Dr. Cindy McGovern, Cindy McGovern, Dr Cindy, The Customer Experience Podcast, Sell Yourself, Personal Brand, Personal Branding, Orange Leaf Consulting, Every Job Is A Sales Job, consulting, branding, selling yourself

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Dr. Cindy McGovern, Cindy McGovern, Dr Cindy, The Customer Experience Podcast, Sell Yourself, Personal Brand, Personal Branding, Orange Leaf Consulting, Every Job Is A Sales Job, consulting, branding, selling yourself

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You may not realize it, but you’re already selling your personal brand. The values that drive your actions and image, how others view you, and the way you show up each day are already working to create a cohesive brand assigned to you alone.

Interlinked and influential, your brand and your company’s brand are also directly related. They impact those around you and even those outside your immediate reach.

Back on the podcast for the second time is Dr. Cindy McGovern, CEO and First Lady of Sales at Orange Leaf Consulting. She first spen time with us Episode 189, “Human Connection at the Heart of Sales” and you can find that here.

Dr. Cindy believes personal branding is not a selfish pursuit but something we’re already doing — just maybe not as well as we could be. Rather than leaving your actions and behavior up to interpretation, part of personal branding is making sure people are saying the right things about you when you aren’t in the room.

Dr. Cindy McGovern is a Wall Street Journal best-selling author, top-rated speaker, and impactful consultant who empowers individuals and companies to achieve their goals through sales. And with years of successful experience in business consulting, empowerment, and personal branding, she’s also the author of “Every Job Is A Sales Job: How to Use the Art of Selling to Win at Work” and the forthcoming book, Sell Yourself: How to Create, Live, and Sell a Powerful Personal Brand.

Today Dr. Cindy shares how customer experience and personal brand are intertwined, why to permit yourself to explore your personal brand, and how your brand can also benefit others. She also talks about how The Great Resignation impacted Sell Yourself, the connection humans seek, and the most crucial lesson people miss when it comes to personal branding.

By listening to this conversation, you’ll also learn:

How you can establish your personal brand
What people are saying about your legacy
Why perfecting your personal brand is not selfish
How to be proactive in selling your personal brand
Why you should protect your reputation with personal branding

Your Personal Brand is Not a Selfish Pursuit

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We also embed the full conversation and make it searchable right here in these blog posts. The recording with Dr. Cindy McGovern is right here …

Listen to “215. Your Personal Brand is Not a Selfish Pursuit w/ Dr. Cindy McGovern” on Spreaker.

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Video Highlights: Your Personal Brand is Not a Selfish Pursuit

Check out the top five video highlights from the discussion with Dr. Cindy McGovern

1. Customer Experience and Personal Brand

2. Personal Branding is Not a Selfish Pursuit

3. The Catalyst for the Create, Live, Sell Framework

4. You’re Already Selling Your Brand

5. Control the Narrative to Protect Your Reputation

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Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist

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