Don’t Just Personalize, Get Personal

Ethan Beute, BombBomb, Chief Evangelist, The Customer Experience Podcast, Wall Street Journal bestseller, Human-Centered Communication, Rehumanize Your Business.

Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist
Kristina Jaramillo, ABM, Account-Based Marketing, Personal ABM, personal marketing, personalized marketing, persona, one-to-one, messaging, bespoke, content marketing

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When marketing speaks to one to many, we’re addressing large segments. When we speak to one to few, we’re addressing specific personas. But personal relevance in account-based and one-to-one messaging is very different. There, we speak to how unconsidered gaps will affect that individual account or person specifically.

Today’s guest, Kristina Jaramillo, knows that not a personal approach is what shifts the hearts, minds, and wallets of the 60% of markets that are disengaged and stuck in the status quo … in ways that a personalized approaach won’t. A personal Account-Based Marketing (ABM) approach means investing the time and research to target only the Tier 1 accounts with quality, individual messaging.

Kristina is Founding Partner at Personal ABM, which supports sales teams to reach new markets and turn status quo accounts into wins. Her organization has staggering win rates (from 60 to 75%), and the key, she says, is the experience you deliver.

Kristina talked with me about…

What putting the customer first really means
How you should be using LinkedIn
How personalized vs. personal ABM compare
Who to target and how to target them
What the relationship is between ABM and customer experience (CX)

Don’t Just Personalize, Get Personal

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We also embed full, searchable audio in each conversation’s blog post, so you can hear — and even search — the recording with Kristina Jaramillo right here …

Listen to “142. Don’t Just Personalize, Get Personal w/ Kristina Jaramillo” on Spreaker.

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Video Highlights: Don’t Just Personalize, Get Personal

Check out the top five video highlights from the discussion with Kristina Jaramillo of Personal ABM

1. What is Customer Experience?

2. LinkedIn Profile Tip (Write It For Your Customers)

3. Personal Doesn’t Scale (That’s a Good Thing)

4. ABM … The Buzzword

5. Custom Content for Tier 1 Accounts

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Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist

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