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The Epic Takes Mixtape: Human-First Highlights from 100 Episodes

Ethan Beute, BombBomb, Chief Evangelist, The Customer Experience Podcast, Wall Street Journal bestseller, Human-Centered Communication, Rehumanize Your Business.

Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist
The Epic Takes Mix Tape - Human-First Highlights from 100 Episodes

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The Epic Takes Mix Tape - Human-First Highlights from 100 Episodes

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Note: The Epic Takes Mixtape was originally released as Episode 100 on October 8, 2020 and was re-released as Episode 235 on December 27, 2022.

The Epic Takes Mixtape, Human-Centered, The Customer Experience Podcast, BombBomb podcast, Episode 100, human first, pro human, human centered, podcast highlights

From the start, The Customer Experience Podcast has been dedicated to specific ways that marketing, sales, and customer success leaders create internal alignment, achieve desired outcomes, and exceed customer expectations in a personal and human way.

Why? Because customer experiencehow we make people feel – is the ultimate differentiator as pretty much every market becomes commodified by hyper competition and product parity.

There’s nothing more important you can do today than create and deliver a better experience for your customers.

To celebrate the first episode milestone divisible by 100 (yes … Episode 100!), we looked back at every episode and found 10 specific moments that transcend day-to-day operations at get at something bigger, deeper, and more meaningful.

Listen in or watch below for …

  • Human-centered approaches and practices
  • Pro-human philosophies and perspectives
  • Human-first decision-making processes

Thanks to every single guest who’s been along on the journey to – and beyond – this milestone! We wouldn’t be here without you. You are the show and the conversation. You’re the source of information and inspiration.

And, of course, we wouldn’t be here without YOU. Thank you for checking out this episode, subscribing to the podcast, listening regularly, and/or leaving a rating or review.

We appreciate you!

The Epic Takes Mixtape: Human-Centered Highlights from 100 Episodes

The theme here is a mixtape. As with musician, bands, and songs, each person and each take here stands alone. But they’re brought together and sequenced intentionally to create a cohesive whole, as well.

We hope you enjoy this experience and we welcome your feedback!

Listen to “100. Episode 100! The Epic Takes Mixtape” on Spreaker.

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Epic Take 1 Joey Coleman: A Happier World

Background: Founder and Chief Experience Composer at Design Symphony and bestselling author of Never Lose a Customer Again: Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days

From Episode 15: You Have 100 Days to Create or Lose a Lifelong Customer

Choice Quote: “There is an opportunity by creating remarkable experiences to have our fellow humans feel – even for a moment – that they matter.”

EP235 Mixtapes Joey | BombBomb

Epic Take 2 David Cancel: All That We Are

Background: Founder and CEO at Drift, 5-time company founder, two-time CEO, and Entrepreneur in Residence at Harvard Business School

From Episode 19: Why Customer Experience is the Only Differentiator Left

Choice Quote: “Those people around us – how do we make them feel? And how do those people around us make us feel? That is it. That is all that we are.”

Epic Take 3 Dutch Bros Coffee: Peace in the Simplicity of Your Mission

Background: Levi Ayriss and Lance Risser are SVPs of Northwest and Southwest Field Operations, respectively, for Dutch Bros Coffee, the largest privately-owned drive-through coffee business in America.

From Episode 39: Company Culture as Your Competitive Edge

Choice Quote: “If your core is grounded in those human things – the honoring of other human beings – it will stir something in your soul that demands that you stand up against the things that threaten it.”

The Customer Experience Podcast, human-centered, human-first, Episode 100, Epic Takes, Levi Ayriss, Dutch Bros Coffee

Epic Take 4 Paula Hayes: Discipline and Showing Up

Background: Founder, President, and CEO of Hue Noir Cosmetics

From Episode 23: Showing Up Authentically to Honor Your Customer Promise

Choice Quote: “We’ve got a couple things around how we treat customers that are non-negotiables.”

EP235 Mixtapes Paula | BombBomb

Epic Take 5 Mathew Sweezey: A Human-Centered Approach

Background: Director of Market Strategy at Salesforce, author of The Context Marketing Revolution: How to Motivate Buyers in the Age of Infinite Media (HBR Press)

From Episode 60: The Context Marketing Revolution

Choice Quote: “If we put humans at the center of everything … we see a very different approach.”

EP235 Mixtapes Sweezey | BombBomb

Epic Take 6 Gil Cohen: Sonder

Background: Founder of Employee Experience Design

From Episode 60: Employee Experience Design: How, Why, and Where to Begin

Choice Quote: “You can have raving fans … by just caring … by caring about what the other person is going through and then making decisions accordingly.”

Epic Take 7 Rachel Ostrander: Be Nice and Do the Right Thing

Background: Director of Runner Experience at Brooks Running

From Episode 7: Superior Customer Experience Starts Before There’s a Customer

Choice Quote: “Be nice and do the right thing for the customer. I wish it hadn’t taken quite so long to know unequivocally that was the right answer … it is always, always, always successful.”

be nice, do the right thing, Rachel Ostrander, Brooks Running, The Customer Experience Podcast, customer experience, CX advice, CS advice, service and support

Epic Take 8 Sangram Vajre: Being Intentional

Background: Cofounder and Chief Evangelist at Terminus, author of ABM is B2B, founder of #FlipMyFunnel and PEAK Community

From Episode 84: 10 Rules for Building a Category and Building a Community

Choice Quote: “If you’re not intentional about the things that actually do matter to you and the organization to grow, you’re going to miss out on them.”

Epic Take 9 Darin Dawson: Rehumanizing People Who’ve Been Dehumanized

Background: Cofounder and President at BombBomb

From Episode 11: Rehumanizing Business (and the World) with Better Communication

Choice Quote: “I’m trying to rehumanize the planet and we’re going to do our best to do it. Hold me accountable.”

Darin Dawson, cofounder, BombBomb, rehumanize, dehumanized, purpose, The Customer Experience Podcast

Epic Take 10 Todd Hockenberry: Givers and Takers

Background: Consultant, advisor, and coach at Top Line Results and coauthor of Inbound Organization: How to Build and Strengthen Your Company’s Future Using Inbound Principles

From Episode 76: When Customer Experience Becomes an Existential Experience

Choice Quote: “The givers will win and the takers will be found out. There’s a way to grow business in a way that also grows people.”

Full Transcript: The Epic Takes Mixtape: Human-First Highlights from 100 Episodes

Ethan Beute (00:00):
All right here we are. The Epic Takes Mixtape. You are in for a treat today, and it’s been an absolute pleasure and privilege for me to host 99 episodes of the customer experience podcast. This is episode 100. It’s also episode 74 of the CX series on B2B growth. My name is Ethan Butte. I host the customer experience podcast. I host the CX series on B2B growth. I’m chief evangelist at BombBomb and coauthor of the book. Rehumanize your business. Now the goal of the customer experience podcast has been to explore how sales, marketing, and customer success leaders create internal alignment, achieve desired outcomes together and exceed customer expectations in a personal and human way. How do we do this better together in service of our customers every day. And we’ve had so many great guests, so many valuable conversations, a huge thank you to every guest who has made it to this first milestone divisible by 100 episode, 100 also a quick thank you to Logan Lyles, James Carberry, Alison leach, Sarah Garner, and the team at sweet fish media who helped with this podcast.

Ethan Beute (01:13):
Thank you to the entire team at BombBomb. So supportive, so encouraging, so excited at the learning and growth through these conversations. It’s special. Shout out to Darren Dawson and Steven pass and Ellie for their very early feedback back in advocacy of the podcast, as well as Vivian Lopez, who brings this show to life every week at bombbomb.com/podcast. And thank you. Thank you so much for listening, whether this is your first episode or your home hundredth episode with me on this show, you of course are the reason we put this together. Thank you for engaging on social media. Thank you for subscribing rating and reviewing the podcast in your favorite player, if you have not done. So that would be amazing. Go subscribe, rate, and review the customer experience podcast. Okay. And thank you for those who’ve reached out directly. I welcome your direct communication by email@ethanatbombbomb.com or on LinkedIn, you can connect with me.

Ethan Beute (02:10):
I’m pretty sure I’m still the only Ethan BT that’s E T H a N B E U T E on LinkedIn. And what I’ve decided to do here for episode 100 is an Epic Takes Mixtape. So what we do is cut short video clips from every episode and then use them in social media posts and in blog posts at bombbomb.com/podcast. And I watched all of them back and selected 10 specific clips for you here. And what I was looking for is something transcendent to the day to day something beyond normal operations. Again, tons of great guests and valuable conversations about how to create and deliver better experiences for our customers. But some of these moments just go beyond the day to day. And so they’re a little bit transcendent. They’re a little bit Epic. So you’ll hear consistent themes here about being a better human as a means to creating and delivering a better employee experience and a better customer experience and like a mixtape.

Ethan Beute (03:08):
I was intentional here about their sequencing. And of course I had to leave out a ton of great songs and bands or great takes and guests in this context. So you’re about to hear from Joey Coleman author of never lose a customer. Again, David cancel founder and CEO of drift Levi Iris, VP of Northwest field operations at Dutch bros, coffee, Paula Hayes, founder, president and CEO of Hue Noir Costmetics, Matt Sweezey director of market strategy at Salesforce, Gil Cohen, founder of employee experience design Rachel Ostrander director of runner experience at Brooks running, Sangram Vajre co founder and chief evangelist at Terminus among many other roles, Darin Dawson, co founder, and president at BombBomb and Todd. Hockenberry a sales consultant advisor and coach at topline results and coauthor of inbound organization. A book I highly recommend to you as a listener of this podcast with respect and appreciation for every guest we’ve hosted.

Ethan Beute (04:13):
And for every listener of any episode here is episode 100 of the customer experience podcast. The Epic Takes Mixtape. First up, we’ve got Joey Coleman and again, he wrote a fantastic book called never lose a customer. Again, this clip comes from episode 15, which we titled you have 100 days to create or lose a lifelong customer. I tee him up here with a quote from his own book and he reacts in an Epic way. You wrote a line toward the end of the book and it made me it jumped off the page to me. And it made me think, well, it reminded me of how I think about some of the work that I’m doing every day and what gets me really excited. And it keeps me coming back as excited as I was seven years ago. And it’s this remarkable customer experiences have the potential to create a happier world that this work it’s not just about, um, providing satisfied employees, although that is part of making a happier world.

Joey Coleman (05:16):
It’s not just about making happier customers, although that’s part of a happier world, it’s not just about hitting your financial targets, which is also part of a happier world for you and whoever you report up to and whoever that person reports out to. Um, why did you take it to such a high level? And, and what did you mean in that statement? Cause it feels really big to me and aspirational and it just got me all lit up while I appreciate that. Cause that was the intention with which it was written. And I will tell you that some of the people that read the book in advance, uh, pushed back on it a little and were like Joey or get, you’re getting a little hoochie Pooja. You’ve been really tactical. You’ve been strategic. You’ve been given us case studies, how to questions.

Joey Coleman (05:58):
And now at the end, you’re going to get all soft and fluffy. Why is that? Why else are we here? Why else do we get up in the morning? Why do we choose to leave the people we love the most, our spouse or significant others, our children, our friends, and go to an office or log on to work and do something all day every day, if not to improve the planet, if not to improve our place in the planet, our friend’s place in the planet, our clients place in the planet, our coworkers place in the planet. I really believe that it has the opportunity to make for a happier planet. And here’s why, and it’s not just a soft statement. You, you hinted at it before we live in an era where if we look at a technology analysis, we’re more connected than in any other time in human history.

Joey Coleman (06:50):
I’ve had the opportunity in the last two weeks to literally fly to the other side of the world and meet people who I had never met. Other than through LinkedIn. I’ve had the opportunity to jet back and forth here, there, and everywhere to do zoom calls, Skype calls, connect with all kinds of people, uh, who I’ve never met and never will meet. And yet, if you look at what the psychologist and the psychiatrist are saying, and the social scientist, we have never had a time in human history where humans felt more disconnected, alone, vulnerable, unheard. And so I think there is an opportunity by creating remarkable experiences to have our fellow humans feel even for a moment that they matter to have them experience something unexpected that says, even though we’ve never met, even though you just purchase something from me, it would normally be seen as a transactional interaction. I’m going to do my best to make you smile, to make you laugh, to make you feel like you matter. That I think is a huge, big, audacious goal that is actually really easily attained on a case by case person by person basis.

Joey Coleman (08:08):
There is an opportunity by creating remarkable experiences to have our fellow humans feel even for a moment that they matter. So foundational to being a good human and to creating a better customer experience. And that feeling that we leave people with is something that David cancel. And I talked about at length on episode 19, why customer experience is the only differentiator left. Of course, he’s a multiple time founder. And most recently, founder and CEO at drift. And in this short take, he makes the argument that all that we are is how we make people feel

David Cancel (08:45):
I think that is the core of it. That’s exactly it. I think you nailed it. And I think we have overcomplicated things we had, and that’s what we do as humans. We’ve overcomplicated things.

David Cancel (08:56):
We want to make things more rational and a logical than they are, but at the end of the day, it is how you make people feel. And that’s all that we can do on this planet is how do we make other those people around us? How do we make them feel and how do those people around us make us feel that is it. That is all that we are. And, uh, and I think we’re coming back to that. So we’re, I think we’re coming full circle into that because now Mo again, if you’re listening to this, all of your needs are pretty much met. You know, it’s a nuance at this point. And now it’s back to the original concept, which is simple, but it’s not easy to live, which is like, it’s all about the experiences and how do I want to make people feel around me? How do I want my product to make them feel? And that is what people value.

Ethan Beute (09:44):
So value creation is intimately and inseparably connected to the way that we make people feel next up is Levi Iris from Dutch bros coffee. And they have built a tremendous culture. They have raving fans. This comes from episode 39 company culture as your competitive edge. And so this how we make people feel element is brought to life in this conversation in a transcendent way. And it’s all based in your core. And in your purpose like David Levi talks about keeping it simple, avoiding distractions, specifically finding peace in the simplicity of your mission.

Levi Ayriss (10:25):
You got to start out, you have to know what that thing is. I think a lot of people think they know what it is, or they start out with these core values that they proud that they believe are going to be the guard rails for where they want to take their business. But they, you have to know what it is. You have to dedicate to it daily. Um, and the greatest killer adding to pull you away is distraction. So I believe that there’s this idea that you have to constantly be challenging who you are and what you’re about or try and what the world is trial, um, in an effort to be more successful and like anything. I mean, you, you, you talked to all guys and they say, you want to be successful. We’ll keep doing the same thing. Just dedicate to it longer term.

Levy Ayriss (11:15):
You know, don’t give up on what you’re doing. That is good. And so I’d say, no, it is guard against it from distraction and, and like find a peace in this simplicity of your mission. I think we over complicate things because our core isn’t, um, flashy or, you know, um, or, or seeing the profound, but there’s beauty in focusing on your fundamentals every single day. I’ve said this before, it’s somewhere speeches. The only difference between a phenol and a beginner, is it, the phenol understands the fundamentals better. Everything breaks down into a couple of simple moves. And if you do them perfectly over time consistently, then you, then you can master that thing. I think when you start to layer in a hundred other moves, which is, I mean, you can exchange that now with social media marketing, all this analytics, all this stuff is fantastic and you should letters, whatever information you have access to.

Levi Ayriss (12:18):
However, don’t get distracted from what your core is. I think you realize that I can’t, I can’t stay when we realized that we had to protect it, but you realize you have to protect things once you smell a threat to it. And that’s generally in the form of a distraction or a, an entitlement mindset, a a, any of those things. And it’ll stir up in your gut that there’s something that could potentially harm this thing and not if it’s real. And if it’s, if it’s grounded in those human things, that’s why I love your teacher. Rehumanize I think it’s so beautiful. Um, if you’re, if your court is grounded in those human things, the honoring and other human beings, it will stir something, your soul, a bit demands that you stand up against the things that threaten it. That’s both from the outside and from the inside. Um, and I think the way you had against that is, again, you know what you’re about. You find people who are, who come stocked with a similar mindset or a similar way of life care about people in a similar way. And then you just constantly remind each other and only each other accountable. When you start to veer off and your language gets, it goes a certain direction where it’s not serving that cause, or that core or

Ethan Beute (13:44):
Honoring your core, honoring your purpose, honoring other human beings requires vigilance and discipline. You have to protect it and you have to show up every single day to execute on it. This theme also came up. When I talked with Paula Hayes, founder, president, and CEO of Hue Noir Cosmetics. We talked on episode 23, which we titled showing up authentically to honor your customer promise. And in this clip, Paula makes two key points. The first is that we have to have the discipline to show up every day to listen every day and to deliver every single day. The second is that we cannot make exceptions. There are non-negotiables in how we treat our customers. This is that patient’s vigilance and discipline. That’s required to consistently deliver an excellent experience for our customers. Here’s Paula.

Paula Hayes (14:38):
I was having a conversation with my staff members earlier because I feel like the longer we go along, I can identify things that have happened over the years that I know have led to our success here. And there are things

Paula Hayes (14:52):
That I think we can’t take our eyes off of. And one of them is just having the discipline to do this stuff every single day. It seems easy to say, yeah, we’ve got our customer experience dialed in. Um, but it’s another thing to execute it every day to listen every day and to respond every day and to not take that for granted. So there are things like that that I just tell my team, we can’t take that we can’t take for granted. I also think, you know, I’m, I’m, my staff would tell you I’m, I’m really cool. I don’t micromanage, but I am one of those, one of those people that I really believe that it’s important for us to not have a lot of exceptions, right? Because when we make exceptions or, Oh, I’ll get to that tomorrow. Oh, you know, I’ll um, that person’s bought from us three or four times sale may know us by now.

Paula Hayes (15:45):
We don’t need to respond the same way, but I feel like when you make those kinds of exceptions, those exceptions start to corrode away and they ultimately become the rules over time. Um, and then you’re moving further, further away from delivering on that promise. So I just work really hard to make sure we stay disciplined in what we do, that we always keep our customers at the center of the decisions that we make, um, and new products or new retailers at that. They’re always at the center of that. And that we’ve got a couple of things around how we treat them that better. Non-negotiables and I feel like as long as we do that, we’ll be making decisions with them in mind. We’ll continue to look at the opportunities that come our way. And ultimately, as I said, kind of, as we were talking about that whole presentation, I gave earlier on scaling that we’ll be bringing them along, along for the ride as well.

Ethan Beute (16:36):
We’ve got a couple things around how we treat customers that are non negotiables. Again, it’s about how we make people feel and having the discipline to be consistent about it, to put humans first, by the way, if you’re enjoying this episode, you can see all of these clips and some others that didn’t make it into this episode by visiting bombbomb.com/podcast. I talked with Mat Sweezey about a human centered approach on episode 60 of the podcast, we titled it as he titled his book, the context marketing revolution in our conversation, I brought up several of the great books that he cited in his own book, which I recommend. I also recommend his podcast series, the electronic propaganda society, and he had a great take on the book that we both enjoyed. Most IEPs. Schumacher’s small is beautiful. Here’s Matt talking about humanity and a human centered approach to our lives and to our businesses.

Mathew Sweezey (17:35):
If I could just take a second to talk about when you said what’s your favorite and my favorite, which is ESG mocker, smallest. Beautiful. So pretty much I’ve seen through the majority of my favorite books is this constant theme of humanity of ESU mocker talks about, um, you know, and there’s lots of quotes I use. And one is that, you know, industry is, you know, so great and it, but it’s so inefficient to a degree that we don’t really realize it’s an inefficiency. Um, hence we just let it continue being inefficient. Right. But if we start to look at these things and say, all right, if we put humans at the center of everything, right, if we put humans at the center of our business, right? If you put humans at the center of what marketing should be, we put humans in the center of economics, we see a very different approach.

Mathew Sweezey (18:17):
Um, and on that, and if you haven’t read the book, Aldous Huxley’s The Island, I would say, make sure you read autists luckily the Island, it’s not a marketing book. It’s totally a book about humanity and about, you know, what if we thought about living in a different way. Um, but I think that’s my favorite theme through all those books. It’s just a challenge. And I just can’t, I can’t say enough about Schumacher’s theories of, you know, what if we thought about economics, not as the highest financial return, but it’s the highest, um, stakeholder theory return, which is essentially what he talks about way before stakeholder theory became a thing. Um, and that’s been leads you into purpose driven business, purpose driven marketing. Um, I do believe purpose is a massive powerful force. Um, in all of our marketing in the future must have an element of purpose in it. Um, just because it focuses us on conversations past our product. Um, so it allows us to have a more human relationship, a more honest relationship past just the product with our, with our audience, with our marketplace.

Ethan Beute (19:08):
If we put humans at the center of everything, we see a very different approach to put humans at the center of everything is to care. And when I talked with Gil Cohen, founder of employee experience design, he said, you can have raving fans by just caring by caring about what the other person is going through. And then making decisions accordingly. We were talking about candidates for open positions who don’t get the job, but still appreciate your organization. Anyway, this clip comes from episode 80, employee experience design, how why and where to begin. And Gil starts this Epic take by defining the word Sonder, which is a neologism, a recently coined word or expression. And I think Sonder is one worth knowing

Gil Cohen (19:53):
There’s a newer word that I learned a few years back it’s, it’s become one of my favorite words, which is Soder, which is the idea that the recognition that every other person who we walk by has an inner working in an inner life that’s as complex and dynamic as our own. They have their own hopes and dreams, and that’s true for every person we walk by every time we drive them, there’s a light on in the window. There’s a story there. And so by the recognition that the organization isn’t to the protagonist of the story, but that everybody’s the protagonist of their own story. And by including that into your decision making lens, you’re able to create an experience that flows more effectively. That even when you’re told no at the end, you appreciate it. I known people that have been raving fans of organizations that have been denied from working there because they appreciated the way they were treated and they understood why they didn’t get the job.

Gil Cohen (21:00):
So it’s so powerful when you can have raving fans from the ones who didn’t get it, but just caring. And it goes back again, by just caring, by caring about what the other person is going through and then making decisions accordingly. So that there’s overlap as opposed to just making decision. This is what the organization wants to. We’re going to put you through seven layers of interviews. Some of them will have 10 people in an interview. We’re going to ask you to do two weeks of free prospecting for us. And then we’re going to wonder why you have no interest in our hiring process.

Ethan Beute (21:32):
I hope you made a note about Sonder obviously empathy is another word that comes to mind, and it has so many implications for how we operate, how we treat our employees and how our employees treat our customers. Next up is Rachel Ostrander director of runner experience at Brooks running. I’m a huge fan of Brooks and reached out to Rachel early on this clip comes from episode seven, superior customer experience starts before there’s a customer. And what she’s offering here is a piece of career advice that she got, and it really is this simple, be nice and do the right thing for the customer. Be nice and let them know you care, be nice with a level of intention. And she explains exactly why we should take that approach.

Rachel Ostrander (22:17):
I did my, my kind of call center life started in, in banks. And I just moved into a role where I was going to be taking escalated calls, kind of at a, at a management level, not managing actually actual people, but taking escalated calls. And I said, what do you want me to do? What, you know, how do I decide whether I say yes or no, or, or what I do. And my boss at that time said, be nice and do the right thing for the customer. And I think, um, I wish it hadn’t taken quite so long to know unequivocally that that was the right answer, but it is it every single time I’ve done that, even though it feels like the more expensive choice, it is always, always, always successful. We always improve our service and it always costs less money in the end. Um, and then revenues go up because I do not have a name to her to this quote. It is not me. If you want to know where a customer or a company is, look at their sales. If you wanna know where they’re going to be looking at their service, my belief in that and my, my entire career has reinforced that

Ethan Beute (23:32):
Great quote there at the end. If you want to know where a company is, look at their sales. If you want to know where they’re going to be, look at their service. Some of the themes here so far on the Epic Takes Mixtape are obviously a human centered approach, the discipline to show up and do it every day. And to do it with intention and intentionality is something that’s become very important to Sangram Vajre, co founder and chief evangelist at Terminus author of two books, including ABM is B2B host of flip my funnel, a daily podcast with so many more episodes than this podcast has at episode 100 and syndromes visited us twice. This clip comes from the very end of episode, 84, 10 rules for building a category and building a community. And sacrum gives us a caution that can benefit us in our personal life, as well as our professional life

Sangram Vajre (24:26):
Being intentional is way more important than being brilliant. So I don’t, I’ll say that again because it took me a while to do really receive it myself. So, so for those who want to list who are eight, eight grade people like you might need need to listen again, because BNC get it being intentional is way more important than brilliant being brilliant. What I mean by that is that love, you may have the greatest, coolest idea in the world. And so many people have it every day. Like some people have talked about having that. They have the idea of Uber. They have the idea of like, you know, drums. They had the idea of all these crazy, crazy stuff, right? But it doesn’t really matter because what matters is the few people who actually do that intentionally enough to focus enough to do that. And that’s the difference between everybody else and that 1%.

Sangram Vajre (25:17):
So I’ve just started being more intentional about how I’m reading my family and being part of my family or my team, part of my community, part of my company. And I’m just realizing that it’s important to be intentional. It’s important to take a pause, um, every so often reevaluate what’s going on and rethink and reimagine because you may have the best idea of best bet, best thoughts around everything. But if you’re not intentional, if you’re not writing the thank you notes, if you’re not bringing customers in the office so people can imagine if you’re not intentional about the things that actually do matter to you and the organization to grow or yourself to grow, you’re going to miss out on it. And it’s not, what are the

Ethan Beute (25:59):
Making work worth it, making life worth it such a great take there from Sangram. And one of the implied messages there that I really really liked was this bias toward action. It is not enough to have the idea. You have to actually act on it. And in this next clip with my longtime friend and team member, the co founder of BombBomb, Darin Dawson from back on episode 11 rehumanizing business and the world with better communication, you’ll hear the themes of intention and action taking the next right step, doing the next thing that’s right in front of us that we know we can do that. We know we should do something that will benefit our fellow human beings. He’s talking here, the dehumanizing people among us and how and why we can rehumanize those people listen to, by the way, for his go at buying a ranch, which I take as a stand in for buying a Lamborghini or a yacht or a fourth home, those are all perfectly fine things to do. It’s perfectly within your right to do them if you can, but I’m not so sure that there’ll be a satisfying longterm as some of the things that Darin talks about here

Darin Dawson (27:09):
To rehumanize planet, we want to rehumanize the people that are dehumanized, and we want to use bomb bomb, the thing that’s rehumanizing or communication as a way as a vehicle to do that. And so what we try and do is invest in, in nonprofits or in people that are attempting to rehumanize people that are being dehumanized in, in places like Africa, where they don’t have food and or spaces in America, they have food locally. We do it with a couple of organizations with homelessness, with, um, families that are on the streets that are homeless. Also with, uh, women who can’t receive healthcare, they provide free healthcare. You know, to me, if you can get healthcare, you’re, you’re being dehumanized. I mean, at this point, we should be able to have healthcare, but we can either complain or we can literally change it in your backyard.

Darin Dawson (28:00):
And we found a plant way to do that. And so for us, that is how we can help rehumanize people. And we have a problem with slavery in this world right now. I don’t think a lot of people honestly know about that, but people are being more enslaved in this world than they ever have been sex trafficked human trafficking, uh, let’s change that. Or, or we could buy a ranch, like I would rather choose the former. And, um, Triumeq then the universe by rehumanizing these people, if you’ve ever met someone that has been in these paths, and then as Ben rehumanized, that has a job and has a home now, and that life has gone, you will want to do that. And so I want, and we try and do this. That’s why you’re answering the phone of BombBomb. That’s why I want you to be pumped the answer to that ticket, to make that sales call, because we’re trying to do something different. Not only does our technology help people, um, be better face to face and build that human relationship, that human connection, but we’re going to change the planet. One thing at a time I’m big. My thing is do the next right thing. And we’re just tackling when we can, I’m going to try and humanize the planet and we’re going to do our best to do it. And, um, you know, hold me accountable,

Ethan Beute (29:21):
Hold me accountable. It’s something we should demand of ourselves, of our team members, of our customers and of our community. It is the foundation for integrity, consistency in word, indeed. And the openness and humility to take feedback and to be held accountable when there’s a gap. Those a great take from Darren and a great setup for the 10th and final clip here on episode 100 of the customer experience podcast, the Epic takes mixtape. This one comes from episode 76. When customer experience becomes an existential experience, it comes from Todd Hockenberry coauthor of inbound organization, a book I recommend, and that he wrote with Dan tire of HubSpot, who was my guest back on episode 40, the biggest transformation in prospecting in 30 years, by the way, that transformation is video messaging and video and email toward the end of my conversation with Todd, he took it to another level with ideas and values that transcend all of the great sales and marketing advice he offered throughout our conversation about helping customers survive, not just thrive, hence the existential experience theme here and in this 10th and final clip, he talks about winners and losers and the characteristics of both.

Ethan Beute (30:40):
He talks about people and profits giving and taking here’s an Epic take from Todd Hockenberry of topline results.

Todd Hockenberry (30:48):
If you’re the leader of a business or you’re leader of a group or division, or even a team, are you there for yourself or are you there for your ego? Are you there for your own monetary gain? Are you there for your own career? Are you there for whatever selfish reason you can think of, or are you there to contribute to other people? And I think this is just a fundamental human thing, right? There’s givers and takers and the, a, the givers of when the takers will be found out and in the world that we’re living in now and the world that we’re moving forward to. Um, the people that are, that, that care about others first that put others ahead of themselves. These are not new ideas, Ethan. These go way back and at the people that think of others first and, uh, put the success of other people first will be the ones that do well.

Todd Hockenberry (31:35):
And frankly, it’s just the right way to live. Um, and again, all this stuff that’s going on right now. I, I think the mindset of, of, um, people first over profits, I mean, you gotta have profits. I know I get it, but there’s a time and there’s a place. And, um, there’s a way to grow business in a way that also grows people and is, is helpful to people both inside the company and out, and that’s the mindset leaders have to have. And, and, um, it’s hard when it’s a survival question, right? Oh, it’s me versus them. And, um, but they’re surviving and they’re surviving. So I, I, I think, you know, I’d go back to classic literature. This is even marketing stuff, right? I’m going back to, um, without getting too philosophical with you, I’d go back to kind of classic literature about why we’re here. Think about, you know, what, what, what our purpose is here. And, um, very rarely is it going to be to make money. So find that core purpose tie back into that. The people that really, really understand that and live that are going to be the ones that I think are going to see the most success. There’s a way to grow business

Ethan Beute (32:40):
In a way that also grows people, a call for leaders, a call for people at every level of the organization, a call to action here on the customer experience podcast. Thank you again so much for joining me for episode 100, the Epic Takes Mixtape. I want your feedback on the next 100. How are we doing? What do you like? What do you dislike? What do you wish there was more of, what are some of your favorite episodes? What themes or roles or concepts would you like covered reach? Shout to me, email me Ethan, T H a n@bombbomb.com. Tom hit me up on LinkedIn, Ethan Butte, last name’s spelled B E U T E Adams. Note to the connection request and hit me up in LinkedIn messages to check out all these clips and other Epic takes visit bombbomb.com/podcast. And if you enjoyed what you’ve heard, please visit Apple podcasts or iTunes and leave a rating and a review it’s so helpful to the show. It changes the way that Apple displays the podcast. We’re building a community around building better experiences for customers. Thank you so much for being a part of it. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. Thanks again, to, to every single guest in the first 100 episodes, here’s to 100 more of the CX series on B2B growth and the customer experience podcast.

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Thanks again to all of our guests and thanks again to you for checking out The Epic Takes Mix Tape – Episode 100 of The Customer Experience Podcast!

The Epic Takes Mix Tape - Human-First Highlights from 100 Episodes


Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist

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