Personas Don’t Drive Revenue … Mindsets Do

Ethan Beute, BombBomb, Chief Evangelist, The Customer Experience Podcast, Wall Street Journal bestseller, Human-Centered Communication, Rehumanize Your Business.

Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist

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There’s a relatively simple formula for mindset-driven marketing that quadrupled sales leads for luxury yachts. And yes, this happened during a pandemic.

In fact, the marketing philosophy came about during the COVID-19 experience.

The goal of this philosophy is to make an offer that appeals directly to the customer’s mindset. Front and center. Top of mind. Right out of the gate.

Don’t talk about how great you are, how long you’ve been in business, all your product’s bells and whistles. Me, me, me — forget that. Just get straight to the point with the customer’s concern, their desire, and their questions.

Today’s guest on The Customer Experience Podcast, Kristin Zhivago, recently developed the mindset-driven concept after observing that persona-based marketing was still leaving a huge disparity between what buyers were comfortable with and how sellers were selling.

Kristin, Founder and President at Zhivago Partners, is a revenue coach who focuses on selling the way that customers actually want to buy.

Her book, Roadmap to Revenue: How To Sell The Way Your Customers Want To Buy, explains how interviewing customers to learn about their thought process will utterly transform your mindset-driven offer. And she’s interviewed thousands of people over the years.

Among the things Kristin talked with me about…

Why understanding a customer’s mindset provides more clarity than other customer insights
How COVID-19 inspired Kristin to formulate mindset-driven marketing
How to work with qualitative feedback
Why you’ll see more success with helping, not selling
What marketers and salespeople need to do to win over customers

Personas Don’t Drive Revenue … Mindsets Do

Listen to the entire conversation with Kristin Zhivago of Zhivago Partners right here:

Listen to “108. Personas Don’t Drive Revenue… Mindsets Do w/ Kristin Zhivago” on Spreaker.

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Video Highlights: Personas Don’t Drive Revenue … Mindsets Do

Check out the top five video highlights from the discussion with Kristin Zhivago of Zhivago Partners below…

1. The Customer’s Who and Where vs The Customer’s Mindset

2. Working with Qualitative Feedback

3. Helping, Not Selling

4. Why Marketing Should Be THE Authority On Customers

5. Why Salespeople Don’t Hear Customers

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Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist

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