Video adoption happens in four stages. It all begins with Stage 1: Script.
This stage is first because the other stages don’t matter much if you don’t know when you’d go to the record button instead of the keyboard. The two primary questions here in Stage 1 are:
“When would I send a video?”
“What would I say in a video?”
We’ll start with the latter …
What Would I Say? | 3 Tips
1. Like a Voicemail
Think of these video messages like voicemail messages. Of course, they provide a richer communication experience than voicemails, but they’re similar in this way: you know who you called, you know why you called, you know what you need to communicate, and you know what the person should do next (the call-to-action or CTA). And then … you just say it
2. More Than Words
Like so much effective communication, these videos give you the benefit of including not just what you say, but how you say it. This conveys so much more meaning than the words alone. So, it’s important to take this into consideration when recording your video messages.
3. No Scripts
As much as you might like to use a script, don’t. Scripts drive a more robotic delivery and add unnecessary pressure (again, there are no exact “right” words). And reading a script takes your eyes off the camera lens, which is how you make valuable eye contact with your viewer.
When Would I Send?
Any time you or your team members are clicking “Send” is a chance to add a video message. Likewise, any time a system is sending a message out on your behalf is a chance to include a video message.
Anywhere you can type a message, you can add a video to bring that message to life. This is even more true today than it was a few years ago with the BombBomb Google Chrome Extension and with the BombBomb keyboard feature in the mobile apps. Both of these features give you access to the video recorder and to your video library to use video messages anywhere you are on your laptop or smartphone.
Video messages are like email messages: you use them throughout the day, every day, whenever you need or want to. They’re useful across the entire customer lifecycle, across the entire employee lifecycle, and within your personal and professional networks.
Want to learn dive deeper into what to say in your videos and when to send? We’ve got you covered.
Video Messaging Ideas: What to Say and When to Say It
We’ve given you an overview of what to in your videos and when to send them. But do you want to discover more about what this entails for video messaging? We’ve created a Video Adoption Guide that will help you do that.
Download an excerpt from the guide below to learn best practices for what to say in each video message. It’ll also walk you through exactly when to send video to the people who matter most to your business — employees and customers alike.
Get the excerpt below…

Get this section from The Video Adoption Guide
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