Follow up after purchase with video

You’ve done all the work you needed to do to earn your customers business. However, your work isn’t done yet. Now you need to help your customers get set up and successfully implement what they’ve purchased. Video can help you communicate clearly, provide detailed instructions, and continuously support your new clients.

Automate Video Email in Sequences

Video Messaging for Sales 1 | BombBomb

Camera & Screen Recording

Video Messaging for Sales Teams 1 | BombBomb

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Customer success manager introduction

Your Sales Team just landed a new large account. This is an exciting opportunity for your company. However, the relationship with this team shouldn’t stop once the sale is made. It’s important that your customer success team steps in and helps nurture this relationship by providing them with the guidance they need to be successful.

In the video above, Jason is reaching out to introduce himself to a new team. He encourages them to schedule a meeting with him so he can talk through their experience so far, and show them some features they might not know about. He makes the meeting as easy to attend as possible by providing a calendar link, and using a platform like Google Hangouts that doesn’t need to be downloaded.

Checking In - holding accountable for usage

In SaaS, an easy way to help your clients succeed is by simply encouraging them to use the product. At BombBomb, we understand that it can take our clients some time to get comfortable with video. However, once they can integrate it into their workflow, they almost immediately see results.

In the video above, Andrew checks in with a team he’s been working with. He uses the screen recorder to showcase the team dashboard to show their success so far. He even includes his cat, Jasper, in the video, which will help his recipient be both intrigued by the video thumbnail, and feel more connected to Andrew. He closes off the video to explain that while the group is doing extremely well, there is always room for improvement. This is where he can help. He offers to schedule a training session to help the team feel even more confident with the product, and see more success. Helping them increase their usage and find value in the product.

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Response to a Cancellation Request

Cancellations happen. But communication can certainly save them, or at least help the customer end with a positive experience with your company. In a cancellation scenario, face-to-face communication is your best option. But in many cases, it’s hard to get a hold of a canceling client.

Video email is the next best option. Josey created the evergreen video above to send to all new cancellation requests she receives. The video is warm and personal, but can be sent to multiple recipients to save time. She encourages her clients to schedule some time with her so they can talk through all of their options. This gives Josey the opportunity to start the conversation off on the right foot, and learn more about the client and why the product wasn’t a good fit.

Explaining Next Steps

Once a deal is accepted there are still a ton of next steps that need to be completed to ensure the transaction runs smoothly. Moreover, in industries with heavy paperwork and important deadlines, that can be a challenge. In these situations, video can improve these processes.

In the video above, Ruby keeps her clients up to date to help ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. She showcases a large chalkboard calendar that highlights all the important milestones in the loan process. Ruby has said that this video helps her team eliminate a ton of back and forth emails, and helps her clients get their paperwork in on time.

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Testimonial Request

In our current landscape, so many individuals rely on peer-reviews during their decision making process. According to BrightLocal, 91 percent of people regularly or occasionally read online reviews, and 85 percent trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation. With those statistics, it’s imperative for businesses to encourage and equip their customers to leave them positive online reviews.

In the video above, Alan uses an evergreen video to ask his clients to create either a text or video review. With video, Alan is able to show how important this review is to his business and how grateful he would be if his former client submitted one. He is also able to give very specific instructions on how to create a video testimonial, which are far more engaging and convincing.

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