Enhancing Communication: Using Video Technology to Solve Common Issues

Integration with KiTS

Enjoy the convenience of having all your favorite BombBomb features directly within Loop.

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BombBomb + Keep In Touch Systems (KiTS)

Use this integration to record and select existing BombBomb videos right within your KiTS marketing system.

What does it do?

Integrate the power of video to boost personalization and effectiveness in your Loop CRM.

Centralized video emailing

No more jumping between platforms. Log into Loop CRM and easily send BombBomb video emails from within your account.

Maximize personalization

Continue the highly personalized trend of your KiTS marketing. Add face-to-face videos to increase the impact of your email campaigns.

All tools under one roof

Enjoy the convenience of having all your favorite BombBomb features, such as existing videos, templates, and reports, available directly within Loop.

Keep track to get ahead

Access real-time reports to understand the performance of your video emails. Leverage these insights to fine-tune your future campaigns.

KiTS users love BombBomb

BombBomb Multiplies sales and marketing results
“BombBomb emails stand out! Recipients are more likely to view your short video email than to read your scripted email… It’s different, and it makes you stand out. Sometimes I have a low-priced listing, and I will get over 50 inquiries from Zillow. I can make a video and respond to each one with the same video. It’s much more personal than regular emails.”

Mike S.


Unify BombBomb and KiTS

Discover how A-sync video can boost personalization and efficiency across your marketing campaigns.