Enhancing Communication: Using Video Technology to Solve Common Issues

BombBomb CRM | BombBomb

Create and send videos
in your CRM

Get better results in sales, marketing, and support. Record, send, and track video messages inside your favorite CRM or helpdesk. Watch this short video. See how BombBomb works where you work – inside Salesforce, Zendesk, and Outreach.

Play Video

Videos get results

People open emails with videos up to 2x more often than regular emails.

Create campaigns

BombBomb’s patented integration leverages the power of your CRM.

Control and track performance

Admins set up the brand and can preview messages with BombBomb.

Unleash the power of videos in your CRM or helpdesk

The effectiveness of video vs. text goes without saying!

Take your CRM campaigns to new heights by adding videos to your email outreach. Improve customer support, too, by sharing how-to videos that resolve tickets the first time.

BombBomb’s patented video solution can embed inside your CRM or helpdesk.

Man recording himself.png | BombBomb

Companies who love customers use BombBomb

Farmers Insurance
Berkshire Hathaway
Flagstar Bank
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Here’s how BombBomb works

BombBomb's user interface showcasing a performance graph with a visible uptick and a positive engagement image.

Create videos inside your CRM

While inside your CRM or helpdesk app, BombBomb lets you record video messages using your camera, screen, or both. Trim, add captions, and more with easy editing tools. You can upload videos, too. The possibilities are limitless!

Save and share videos with your team

Run entire video email campaigns inside the CRM or helpdesk you use every day. Create whole sequences to reach one person or whole lists. Organize videos in folders. Let users across your organization put them to use.

Expand Your Reach
Branding in BombBomb | BombBomb

Control your brand and message

Stand out in the inbox. Get more contacts to see and hear your message. Show off new products. Shorten sales cycles. BombBomb includes advanced admin controls. You control your brand – such as reviewing videos before users send them.

Get real-time insights

Alerts tell users when their videos get watched – and for how long. Empower your team to see results in real time. You can add call-to-action buttons, disclaimers, and auto-signatures in all the videos. Ideal for compliance and best practices!

The image depicts an infographic related to BombBomb's performance metrics, with a vibrant orange color scheme. It shows an open pipeline with BombBomb events valued at $1.2 million, highlighting a 14% increase from the last month.

Not ready for video CRM?
Get started with any BombBomb plan.



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BombBomb team member profile, confident and professional.
Group 10 | BombBomb
Man in a Circle 1 | BombBomb
Group 12 | BombBomb
Group 13 | BombBomb
BombBomb team member profile, confident.

The platform is just the beginning. The real magic lies in our people. 
With nearly two decades in video messaging, we have the patent on embedding video inside your CRM or helpdesk.

Seamlessly add video to over 65 popular apps

Scale your results.
Put BombBomb inside.

Meet with our video experts. See how video in your CRM or helpdesk changes the game.

Laptop screen displaying a user interface for managing video content. The interface includes tabs like Dashboard, Team, and Videos, indicating a platform organized to enhance teamwork and content management.