101 Ways: How to Use Video Email

Ethan Beute, BombBomb, Chief Evangelist, The Customer Experience Podcast, Wall Street Journal bestseller, Human-Centered Communication, Rehumanize Your Business.

Ethan Beute

Former Chief Evangelist


July 26, 2011

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Email marketing is a growing industry. More and more companies are adopting the medium for a marketing channel, learning the general practices of how to maximize the channel, leveraging the analytics of in-email activity, increasing company revenue online, and proving that email is as dead as Justin Beiber’s music career.


“Email has been used by nearly 90% of consumers since 2005” – MarketingProfs, “2010 Digital Marketing Fact Book” (Spring Edition, 2010)
Since 2005 consumers and businesses alike have been leveraging email for personal communication, business transactions, consumer purchases, receipt confirmation, etc. 9-out-of-10 to be exact. So, to flip it; 1-out-of-10 consumers don’t use email. On top of that – email channels have brought returns of 43-to-1.


Here’s a numerical example of what this means:


Cost of email sends: $50


Equation: $50 x 43 = $2,150.00


What’s the cherry on top? Adding video to the email campaign; video has been known and documented to increase recipient activity within email and boost conversions up to 300%. With videos your revenue could increase like this:


 $2,150.00 x 3 = $6,450.00


But, how do you use video to boost the revenue of your campaigns?

Well, BombBomb came up with 101 reasons to apply our technology to your success here:

Retail Sales

1. Video email introductions to your clients and prospects
2. New product offering/revealing
3. Birthday and holiday salutations
4. Promotion and event video emails
5. Customer testimonials

Corporate Sales

6. Video email product demos
7. Daily/Weekly/Monthly video email sales reports
8. “Video email voice mails”
9. Contract confirmation and thank you emails

Real Estate

10. Show new listings before they hit the web
11. Video email home walk-thru’s
12. Video of the neighborhood and schools
13. Video documented inspections
14. “Congratulations on your new home!” video emails


15. Promote new music videos with email
16. Show live songs promoting upcoming concerts
17. Promote new artist additions on record labels
18. Update fans personally with video emails just for them
19. Share live in-studio recordings with collaborators

Non-Profit and Ministry

20. Word of the day with video email
21. Next week’s message update
22. Last week’s message in video email
23. Local and global missions campaigns with video email
24. Fundraiser video emails
25. Message from CEO or Senior Minister


26. Welcome to “University Name” video emails
27. Classroom lectures to absent students in video email
28. Video report cards for students
29. General email communication to students and alumnus
30. Video tutorials/lessons
31. Campus tours
32. Archive older lectures on video and disperse back to students

Food and Beverage

33. Show of new daily dish(es)/recipe(s)
34. Video email of weekly specials
35. Menu updates
36. Event promotions
37. Cooking shows

Professional Services (General)

38. Project updates to client via video email
39. Onsite evaluations video recorded
40. Training videos for technical services
41. Video emails of services or samples of work
42. Building or site walk-thru’ s for architects, developers, or brokers
43. Employee profiles and company culture videos

Personal Usage

44. Holiday video email cards
45. Send out special occasion videos to the family
46. Create a video email resume for finding a job
47. Send family vacation videos to extended family
48. Personal promotion for hobbies

Political Organizations

49. Connect personally with supporters via video email
50. Send supporters video email of rally’s and campaign stops
51. Activate supporters and donors with personal video emails
52. Solicit donations through video email campaigns
53. Rally supporters for elections or newly proposed bills
54. Interviews and endorsement video emails

Sports Organizations

55. Game highlight videos
56. Stadium events or contests
57. Organizational update messages via video email
58. Packaged ticket promotions
59. Video of sports stars promoting the games


60. Video emails of potential vacation destinations
61. Vacation “to-do” video updates
62. Personal “How was your trip” video emails
63. Testimonial videos of consumers that took the trip(s)
64. “Hello” videos from the trip planner or concierge


65. “Schedule your next appointment” video email
66. New treatment announcement video emails
67. Procedure information to surgery elects
68. General patient notifications and education
69. Video of new equipment the hospital acquires


70. Upcoming movie trailer video email
71. Related movie trailers video email
72. Actor interviews
73. Leak viral video footage of an upcoming movie
74. “How’d they do it” special effects video

Book Publishers

75. Book release video emails
76. Signing tour video emails
77. Author interview video emails
78. Local and national book events

Health and Nutrition

79. Healthy recipe video emails
80. Video how-to’s for exercises, stretching, Pilates/yoga
81. Event footage video email for promotions
82. Motivational video emails from inspirational athletes
83. Health testimonials of consumers that tried the regime or product


84. Showcase new product with video
85. Provide a human marketing element to a typically electronic culture
86. Product feature announcements
87. Job opening video emails
88. Partnerships or integration announcement videos
89. Developer meet-up announcements
90. Tech support videos


91. Gallery revealing video email announcement
92. New pieces and inspiration videos
93. How-to video emails about painting, drawing, etc

Public Service

94. Current local event marketing
95. New/Improved public service outreach
96. Volunteer outreach
97. Email video of finished projects, successful events, etc

Local News

98. Breaking news video emails
99. Updated weather video emails
100. Daily highlight summary video emails
101. Traffic video emails sent real-time from live street cameras

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